Solo un momento se convertirá en una eternidad y cada amanecer será mejor porque se que ahi estaras . . .
Aqui estan mis dos grandes amores!! ellos son el motivo por el cual yo me levanto y lucho cada dia...
Nico y Kirsten...despues de dos dias de nacida nuestra pequena...
Los amo con tooooodooo!!!!!!
Te quiero con limon y sal, te quiero tal y como estas...jajaja
familia los adoro!!!!
amigos tambien!!
Lore B.
Seriously, though, I write in this less than I do my Journal (which is to say, never)...But, I don't know if anybody even comes here to look at this, so, what does it matter?Each day our lives are enriched even more by this wonderful little girl. She's trying to talk, she is all smiles (only able to take one picture of that though), and does not like to be laid down. Even though she brings such a large sense of responsibility, she also brings us so much joy that the burden of the responsibilities seems light indeed. For me, there is nothing better than coming home at night to my two girls... Often enough I find them both deeply asleep on the bed, having been waiting for me to get home. Both mom and daughter exude such a strong feeling of peace and serenity that I do not bother them-I let them sleep.In other news, depending on Lorena's Visa, we could be moving back to Chile as early as the end of next year... Lorena really wants to finish her schooling in Publicity with emphasis on visual media. Financially, it makes much more sense to have her complete it down there due to the cost of transferring her credits up here. So, here we sit, trying to determine which direction our future will turn. Hopefully all goes well and we can embark on this new leg of our journey.Please don't hesitate to comment!~N~