Well, here she is World...Kirsten Lorena Bishop. Born April 28th, 2007 at 6:08 AM. After nearly 23 hours of labor, the greatest blessing of our lives was brought into this world by the skilled hands of Dr. Singer. Almost a year ago, we lost an unborn child of god. A year has passed now, and here we are, marveled and amazed by the grace and mercy of a loving Heavenly Father.Only those who have held a being so close to perfect can understand the completely unexplainable feelings that wash over you like the breaking tide.
To those who would give anything to feel this, I would like to express my most heart-felt hopes and prayers that some day you may.To those of you who think "Oh, nows not the time." or, "I would like to feel more ready." I say the following: Why? Why would you want to wait? I once felt the same way as you claim to feel...I once thought to myself "There are so many things that I want to do before I get to that point in my life." How foolish I feel now for having felt that way...how selfish I was. When I look back on the decisions I've made and the many consequences that resulted from them, none could compare to what could have been...I am so glad--no, wait, glad doesn't begin to describe what I feel. Something like glad, but a million times greater and mixed with overwhelming joy.Do not wait. I am not advocating the factory-like production of babies, no, that idea died when our agrarian economy evolved. But, believe me when I say that there is no greater feeling in all the world than this: knowing that you had a hand in God's plan.I must go now to attend to my newborn baby daughter. I think she has the hiccups, not a pleasant experience at any age, much less 5 days old....-n-